Teaching Financial Lessons to Children: The Importance of Early Introduction of Money

Financial literacy is anĀ essential life skillĀ that equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions about their money. Unfortunately, many individuals, including children, lack this critical knowledge, leading to poor financial habits and a lifetime of money

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How to develop healthy eating habits for kids

Every child is unique in terms of their eating habits. No two children are similar when it comes to their food preferences. Besides, the eating choices of kids also depend on their appetite, which keeps changing from day to day. Sometimes kids eat more, while at other times they may eat very limited. However, all these things are nothing to worry about. Rather than concentrating on the quantity that the child is consuming, it is important to focus on the quality.

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How to encourage kids to practice yoga

We know that most adults experience stress and it is one of the major causes of many serious illnesses among them. However, it is equally true that kids also experience stress, especially amidst the constant pressure of keeping up to the expectations in the race of life. Ever since they start schooling, kids are looked high upon as future doctors, scientists, IITians, and so on. Not just studies, there is also the pressure of staying abreast with various other extra-curricular activities.

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How to Inculcate Financial Discipline in Your Children

Children often absorb things that they see around them during their growing up years and it becomes a part of their behavior. The same applies even in the case of financial discipline and money matters. Children mostly learn financial habits from their parents and follow in their footsteps. As parents, if you portray efficient money management skills you will in a way help your children to imbibe the same.

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